IARD Conference Pages
Standing Committee
IARD 2020 Meeting

IARD Officers:

Martin C. Land

James O'Brien

Matthew Trump

Tepper L. Gill




  Links to IARD Conference Proceedings

IARD 2000 appear in Foundations of Physics (2001) 31 numbers 7, 8, and 9
IARD 2002 appear in Foundations of Physics (2003) 33 numbers 8 and 9
IARD 2004 appear in Foundations of Physics (2005) 35 numbers 7, 8, and 9
IARD 2006 appear in Foundations of Physics (2007) 37 numbers 4-5
IARD 2008 appear in Foundations of Physics (2011) 41 number 1
IARD 2010 appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 330
IARD 2012 appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 437
IARD 2014 appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 615
IARD 2016 appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 845
IARD 2018 appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1239

Selected Papers by IARD Members

John R. Fanchi, Comparative Analysis of Jüttner's Calculation of the Energy of a Relativistic Ideal Gas and Implications for Accelerator Physics and Cosmology, Entropy 2017, 19(7), 374; doi:10.3390/e19070374.
M. C. Land, The Particle as a Statistical Ensemble of Events in Stueckelberg-Horwitz-Piron Electrodynamics, Entropy 2017, 19(5), 234; doi:10.3390/e19050234.
M. C. Land, L. P. Horwitz, Off-Shell Quantum Electrodynamics, hep-th/9601021.
Tepper Gill, James Lindesay, Canonical Proper Time Formulation for Physical Systems, Found. Phys. 34 (2004) 169-182, hep-th/0210045.
J. Brian Pitts, W. C. Schieve, Null Cones in Lorentz-Covariant General Relativity, Found. Phys. 34 (2004) 211,
Manasse R. Mbonye, Ronald L. Mallett , Gravitational Perturbations of a Radiating Spacetime, Found.Phys. 30 (2000) 747-774, gr-qc/0010006.
James Baugh, David Ritz Finkelstein, Andrei Galiautdinov, Heinrich Saller, Clifford Algebra as Quantum Language, J.Math.Phys. 42 (2001) 1489-1500, hep-th/0009086.
A. Gersten, Maxwell Equations as the One-Photon Quantum Equation,
Found. Phys. Lett. 12, 291-8 (1999), quant-ph/9911049.
O. Oron, L.P. Horwitz, Relativistic Brownian Motion, Rel.Grav.Cosmol. 1 (2004) 109-122, physics/0212036.
Matej Pavsic, Clifford Space as the Arena for Physics, Found.Phys.33:1277-1306,2003 hep-th/0311060.
Ed Seidewitz, Foundations of a Spacetime Path Formalism for Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, J.Math.Phys. 47 (2006) 112302, quant-ph/0507115.
Philip D. Mannheim, Solution to the Ghost Problem in Fourth Order Derivative Theories, hep-th/0608154.
Matej Pavsic, On the interpretation of the relativistic quantum mechanics with invariant evolution parameter, Found.Phys. 21 (1999) 1005-1009, /hep-th/0011216v1
Matej Pavsic, Relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory with invariant evolution parameter, Nuovo Cim.A104 (1991) 1337-1354, /hep-th/0011216v1
Matej Pavsic, On the resolution of time problem in quantum gravity induced from unconstrained membranes, Found.Phys. 26 (1996) 159-195, /hep-th/0011216v1
Matej Pavsic, The Embedding model of induced gravity with bosonic sources, Found.Phys. 24 (1994) 1495-1518, /hep-th/0011216v1
Matej Pavsic, Clifford algebra based polydimensional relativity and relativistic dynamics, Found.Phys. 31 (2001) 1185-1209, /hep-th/0011216v1
Matej Pavsic, How the geometric calculus resolves the ordering ambiguity of quantum theory in curved space, Class.Quant.Grav. 20 (2003) 2697-2714, /gr-qc/0111092v4.
C. Castro, M. Pavsic, Clifford algebra of space-time and the conformal group, Int.J.Theor.Phys. 42 (2003) 1693-1705, /hep-th/0203194v2.
Matej Pavsic, Clifford algebra, geometry and physics, NATO Sci.Ser.II 95 (2003) 165-174, /gr-qc/0210060v1.
Matej Pavsic, Kaluza-Klein theory without extra dimensions: Curved Clifford space, Phys.Lett. B614 (2005) 85-95, /hep-th/0412255v3.
Matej Pavsic, Clifford space as a generalization of spacetime: Prospects for QFT of point particles and strings, Found.Phys. 35 (2005) 1617-1642, /hep-th/0501222v1.
Matej Pavsic, Spin gauge theory of gravity in Clifford space: A Realization of Kaluza-Klein theory in 4-dimensional spacetime, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A21 (2006) 5905-5956, /gr-qc/0507053v2.
Martin Land, Discrete Symmetries of Off-Shell Electromagnetism, Found. Phys. 35 (2005) 1263, /hep-th/0603213
Martin Land, Duality in Off-Shell Electromagnetism, Found. Phys. 35 (2005) 1245, /hep-th/0603169
Martin Land, Higher-Order Kinetic Term for Controlling Photon Mass in Off-Shell Electrodynamics, Found. Phys. 33 (2003) 1157-1175, /hep-th/0603074
M.C. Land, L.P. Howitz, The Covariant Stark Effect, Found. Phys. 31 (2001) 967-991, /quant-ph/0103136
M. C. Land, Particles and Events in Classical Off-Shell Electrodynamics, Found. Phys. 27 (1997) 19-41, /hep-th/9701159
M. C. Land, L. P. Horwitz, The Zeeman Effect for the Relativistic Bound State, Journal of Physics, A: Mathematical and General, 28 (1995) 3289, /hep-th/9407075
M. C. Land, N. Shnerb, L. P. Horwitz, On Feynman's Approach to the Foundations of Gauge Theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 36 (1995) 3263, /hep-th/9308003
Martin Land, Dirac Monopole from Lorentz Symmetry in N-Dimensions: I. The Generator Extension, /hep-th/0603055
Martin Land, Dirac Monopole from Lorentz Symmetry in N-Dimensions: II. The Generalized Monopole, /hep-th/0606046
Diego L. Rapoport, Martingale problem approach to the representations of the Navier-Stokes equations on smooth-boundary manifolds and semispace, Random Oper. and Stoch. Equ., Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 109–136 (2003).
Diego L. Rapoport, Torsion Fields, Cartan–Weyl Space–Time and State-Space Quantum Geometries, their Brownian Motions, and the Time Variables, Foundations of Physics, Volume 37, Numbers 4-5, May 2007 , pp. 813-854(42).
Diego L. Rapoport, Random symplectic geometry and the realizations of the random representations of the Navier-Stokes equations by ordinary differential equations, Random Oper. and Stoch. Equ., Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 351–380 (2003).
Ben-Amots, N., Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere, Found. Phys., v. 33, pp. 1369-1372 (2003).
Ben-Amots, N., Detection of rotation by a local elevator-like gedanken experiment, Found. Phys., v. 35, pp. 1533-1542 (2005).
Ben-Amots, N., Relativistic exponential gravitation and exponential potential of electric charge, Found. Phys., v. 37, (2007).
Ben-Amots, N., Approximate analytical solution for high-speed spin axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linkedto precession and nutation, Acta Mechanica, v. 25, pp. 111-119 (1976).
Bousso,D., Ben-Amots,N., A simple means for attaining high centrifugal accelerations, J. Phys. E: Scientific Instruments, v. 5, pp. 291-295 (1972).
R. L. Mallett, The gravitational field of a circulating light beam, Found. Phys. 33, 1307 (2003).
D. E. Cox, J. G. O’Brien, R. L. Mallett, and C. Roychoudhuri, Gravitational Faraday effect produced by a ring laser, Found. Phys. 37, 723 (2007).
Cynthia Kolb Whitney, Closing in on Chemical Bonds by Opening up Relativity Theory, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 9, 272 (2008).
Cynthia Kolb Whitney, Relativistic Dynamics in Basic Chemistry, Found. Phys. 37, 788 (2007).
Ed Seidewitz, Spacetime path formalism for massive particles of any spin, Ann. Phys. 324, 309-331 (2009), arXiv:0804.3206[quant-ph].
Gersten, A., Maxwell equations as the one-photon quantum equation, Found. Phys. Lett. 12, 291-8 (1999).
Gersten, A., Quantum equations for massless particles of any spin, Found. Phys. Lett., 13, 185-192, 2000.
Gersten, A., Maxwell equations - the one-photon quantum equation, Found. Phys., 13 (8), 1211-1231, 2001.
Gersten, A., Euclidean Special Relativity, Found. Phys. 33, 1237-1251 (2003).
Gersten, A., Experiment to test whether we live in a four-dimensional physical space-time, Found. Phys., 35(8), 1445-52, 2005.
Gersten, A., Tensor Lagrangians, Lagrangians Equivalent to the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and Relativistic Dynamics, Found. Phys., online, 2009.
L.P. Horwitz and C. Piron, Relativistic dynamics, Helv. Phys. Acta 46, 316 (1973).
L.P. Horwitz, C. Piron and F. Reuse, Relativistic dynamics for the spin 1/2 particle, Helv. Phys. Acta 48, 546 (1975).
L.P. Horwitz, C. Piron and W.C. Schieve, Classical relativistic Gibbs ensembles, Proc. of the 13th IUPAP Conf. on Stat. Physics, Annals of the Israel Physical Society, Vol 2, p.924 (1978).
L.P. Horwitz and A. Soffer, On the existence of the wave operator in relativistic scattering theory, Helv. Phys. Acta 53, 112 (1980) ,Annals of the Israel Physical Society vol 3 (1980), A. Hilger, Bristol, 1980. p.303.
L.P. Horwitz and Y. Lavie, Scattering theory in relativistic quantum mechanics, Phys. Rev. D 26, 819-838 (1982).
L.P. Horwitz and F. Rotbart, On the non-relativistic limit of relativistic quantum mechanics, Phys. Rev. D 24, 2127 (1981).
L.P. Horwitz and F. Rohrlich, Constraint relativistic quantum dynamics, Phys. Rev. D 24, 1528 (1981).
R. Arshansky and L.P. Horwitz, On relativistic quantum theory for particles with spin 1/2, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 15, L659-662 (1982).
R. Arshansky, L.P. Horwitz and Y. Lavie, Particles vs. Events: The concatenated structure of world lines in relativistic quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics 13, 1167-1194 (1983).
B. Rosenstein and L.P. Horwitz, Probability current versus charge current of a relativistic particle, J. Phys. A: Math. and Gen. 18, 2115-2121 (1985).
L.P. Horwitz and F. Rohrlich, Limitations of constraint dynamics, Phys. Rev. D 31, 932-933 (1985). Rapid Communication.
L.P. Horwitz, R.I. Arshansky and A. Elitzur, On the two aspects of time: The distinction and its implications, Foundations of Physics 18, 1159-1193 (1988).
R.I. Arshansky and L.P. Horwitz, The quantum relativistic two body bound state I: The spectrum, Jour. Math. Phys. 30, 66 (1989).
R.I. Arshansky and L.P. Horwitz, The quantum relativistic two body bound state II: The induced representation of SL(2,C), Jour. Math. Phys. 30, 380 (1989).
D. Saad, L.P. Horwitz and R.I. Arshansky, Off-Shell electromagnetism in manifestly covariant quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics 19, 1125 (1989).
M.C. Land and L.P. Horwitz, Green's functions for off shell electromagnetism and spacelike correlations, Foundations of Physics 21, 299 (1991).
M.C. Land and L.P. Horwitz, The Lorentz force and energy momentum for off-shell electromagnetism, Foundations of Physics Lett. 4, 61 (1991).
R. Ianconescu and L.P. Horwitz, On the self force of a classical charged article, Phys. Rev. A 45, 4346 (1992).
A. Arensburg and L.P. Horwitz, A first order equation for spin in a manifestly covariant quantum theory, Foundations of Physics 22, 1025 (1992).
M. Usher and L.P. Horwitz, Localizability and causal propagation in relativistic quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics Lett. 4, 289, (1991).
L.P. Horwitz and W.C. Schieve, Chaos in classical relativistic mechanics of a damped Duffing-like driven system, Phy. Lett. A 156, 140 (1991).
L.P. Horwitz, On the definition and evolution of states in relativistic classical and quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics 22, 421 (1992) (invited, Sir Karl Popper issues).
L.P. Horwitz and C. Piron, The unstable system and irreversible motion in quantum theory, Helv. Phys. Acta. 66, 693 (1993). 421 (1992) (invited, Sir Karl Popper issues).
L. Burakovsky and L.P. Horwitz, Equilibrium relativistic mass distribution, Physica A 201, 666-679 (1993).
N. Shnerb and L.P. Horwitz, Canonical quantization of 4-and 5-dimensional U(1) gauge fields, Phys. Rev. A 48, 4068 (1993).
M.C. Land, R.I. Arshansky and L.P. Horwitz, Selection rules for dipole radiation from a relativistic bound state, Foundations of Physics 24, 563 (1994) (invited paper, in honor of F. Rohrlich) (1994). Irreversibility,vol XCIX, p. 245, ed. I Prigogine and S. Rice, John Wiley (1997).
L.P. Horwitz, The unstable system in relativistic quantum mechanics, Found. Phys. 25, 39-65 (1995)
L.Burakovsky and L.P. Horwitz, Equilibrium relativistic mass distribution for indistinguishable events, Found. Phys. 25 , 785-818 (1995) (invited paper, in honor of F. Rohrlich) (1994).
L. Burakovsky and L.P. Horwitz, 5D Inflationary Cosmology, Gen. Rel. and Gravitation 27 1043-1070 (1995)
J. Frastai and L.P. Horwitz, Off-shell fields and Pauli-Villars regularization, Foundations of Physics 25, 1495-1510 (1995)
L. Burakovsky and L.P. Horwitz, Generalized Boltzmann equation in a manifestly covariant relativistic statistical mechanics, Foundations of Physics 25 1335-1358 (1995).
L. Burakovsky, L.P. Horwitz and W.C. Schieve, Towards a realistic equation of state of strongly interacting matter, Found. of Phys. Lett. 8, 537-548 (1995).
M. Land and L.P. Horwitz, Off-shell phenomena in Coulomb scattering, Phys. Lett. A 239, 135-140 (1998).
Van der Pol, Y. Ashkenazy, C. Goren and L.P. Horwitz, Chaos in the relativistic parametrically forced oscillator, Phys. Lett. A243 195-204 (1998).
L.P. Horwitz and N. Shnerb, Second quantization of the Stueckelberg quantum theory and associated gauge fields, hep-th/9804155, Found. of Phys. 28, 1509 (1998).
O. Oron and L.P. Horwitz, Classical Radiation Reaction Off-Shell Corrections to the Covariant Lorentz Force, Phys. Lett. A 280 265-270 (2001).
O. Oron and L.P. Horwitz, Radiation reaction of the classical off-shell relativistic charged particle, Foundations of Physics 31 951 (2001), arXiv physics/0007022
M.C. Land and L.P. Horwitz, The covariant Stark effect, Found. of Phys. 31, 967 (2001).
O. Oron and L.P. Horwitz, Eikonal approximation to 5D wave equations and the 4D spacetime metric, Found. of Phys. 33 (8) 1323-1338 (2003)(hep-ph/020518).
O. Oron and L.P. Horwitz, The conformal metric associated with the U(1) gauge of the Stueckelberg-Schrodinger equations, Found. of Phys. 331177-1187 (2003).(gr-qc/0302001).
O. Oron and L.P. Horwitz, Relativistic Brownian motion in 3+1 dimensions, Jour. Math. Phys. (math-ph/0312003)
Lawrence Horwitz, On the significance of a recent experiment demonstrating quantum interference in time, Phy. Lett. A 3551-6 (2006).
Aharonovich and L.P. Horwitz, Green Functions for wave propagation on a 5D manifold and the associated gauge fields generated by a moving point charge, Jour. Math Phys. 47,no.12.
A. Gershon and L.P. Horwitz, Kaluza-Klein Theory as a Dynamics in a Dual Geometry, Jour. Math. Phys., arXiv math-ph/0905.4130.
L.P. Horwitz, A. Gershon and M. Schiffer, Hamiltonian Map to Conformal Modification of Spacetime Metric: Kaluza-Klein and TeVeS, Found.of Phys. arXiv 0907.4242.
L.P. Horwitz and E.Z. Engelberg, Energy Gaps in a Spacetime Crystal, Phys. Lett. A 374 (2009)40-43. arXiv:0910.2646 (quant-ph)
Doron Ludwin and L.P. Horwitz, Gravitational repulsion within a black hole using the Stueckelberg quantum formalism, Jour. Math. Phys. 52, 012303 (2011), arXiv gr-qc 1008.3353.

Please send additional listings to webmaster@iard-relativity.org.

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